Commander Collective LogoBETA


Your Vote Matters!

Force of Negation


Total Votes

Force of Negation is Played Against You
How does it make you feel?

Why Vote?

  • You can vote on as many cards as you'd like.
  • There is no right or wrong answer - your voice will join the collective.
  • These ranks will be used to determine strengths of commander decks on the website.
  • You must have an account to sign up to ensure voting integrity.


Harness the collective knowledge of thousands of MTG players to get card ratings.

Instant Analysis

Get immediate power level assessments for your commander decks.

Fair Play

Ensure balanced and enjoyable gameplay by decks of similar power levels.

What's your Collective Rank?

  1. Enter in your text-based decklist from anywhere.
  2. Your decklist must contain exactly 100 cards.
  3. Your Commander must be the first card in the list.

Deck Scoring

Power Level (Scale of 1 - 5)
Collective Power Level (Scale of 1-5)
And other stats about your decks and the cards in your deck.

Commander Collective is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy.

Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.